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2.3 Database Schema for System Design


2.3.1 Legend

MemeName (Context) RW Sybase_Type F77_fmt C_fmt [Units]
The attributes displayed here if available are: the Meme name, context, access (read/write/both), datatype, FORTRAN format, C format, and the value's units and legitimate range (if any). A table may also have a FITS EXTNAME. This text is the Semantics.

2.3.2 Regular Memes

Acontexts (MemeFlow) table table (EXTNAME = 'Acontexts')
Agents have context: an agent can be instrument specific, generic, etc. Acontexts consists of elements:
acontext (DataBase) char(12) A12 %s
Agent context, an agent attribute designed to group agents into functional sets. Some agents might be specific to one instrument, for example.  
descrip (DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
Descrip is a generic text field in which one can add brief descriptive information to an database entity (record). The description is relevant to the table in which the field appears.


Agents (DataBase) table table (EXTNAME = 'Agents')
Table of software. hardware, and human agents. Agents consists of elements:
agentid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique Agent ID number  
aname (DataBase) varchar(20) A20 %s
Human-readable name of agent  
atype (DataBase) char(1) A1 %s
single character agent type code  
author (DataBase) varchar(40) A20 %s
Various MemesWorld items can have authors. Software agents have authors. Meme contexts also (who invented the context?). Path contexts (drawings) also have authors. Although the product is different, the author field always indicates authorship.  
lang (DataBase) char(10) A5 %s
language in which agent was written if agent is a code entity  
docURI (DataBase) varchar(100) A100 %s
URI (currently a CVS reference) of documentation about an agent. At the moment this refers to a LaTeX file for inclusion into the CDR source, but this is an interim arrangement and will be improved later.  
rev (DataBase) char(12) A10 %s
Revision level of agent if agent is a code entity  
ref (DataBase) char(12) A12
Currently used for the Agent Context. The schema will be revised for consistent nomenclature in July 97. Is an instance of acontext:
acontext (DataBase) char(12) A12 %s
Agent context, an agent attribute designed to group agents into functional sets. Some agents might be specific to one instrument, for example.  
rank (DataBase) char(12) A12 %s
This field may eventually be used for the forcible alignment of nodes in the digraph output by tracememe.  
uid (DataBase) smallint I5 %d
(Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.  
stamp (DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
date on which record was entered (or updated) in database  
owner (DataBase) int I6
The ID of a superagent which contains a bunch of paths or a bunch of other superagents Is an instance of agentid:
agentid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique Agent ID number  
adesc (DataBase) varchar(255) A %s
A capsule description of hardware, software, or human agent. This field should really be called 'descrip' and will be renamed in July 97.  
srcURI (DataBase) varchar(100) A100 %s
A CVS reference to the source code for an agent. All DEIMOS source code is maintained under CVS so any agent written by our staff or CARA staff should have a CVS URI.  
rel (DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
The released revision of a software agent - as opposed to rev, which is the latest CVS revision checked in.


AgentTypes (MemeFlow) table table (EXTNAME = 'AgentTypes')
Table of recognized types of agents AgentTypes consists of elements:
atype (DataBase) char(1) A1 %s
single character agent type code  
atdesc (DataBase) varchar(40) A40 %s
agent type description  
uid (DataBase) smallint I5 %d
(Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.  
stamp (DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
date on which record was entered (or updated) in database


Formats (MemeFlow) table table (EXTNAME = 'Formats')
Table of permissible formats for Mpaths Formats consists of elements:
formid (DataBase) char(3) A3 %s
Format ID string; uniquely identifies an information format, such as ascii plaintext, html, latex source, etc.  
format (DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
Format description text. Meme bundles are expressed in some format during transmission.  
uid (DataBase) smallint I5 %d
(Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.  
stamp (DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
date on which record was entered (or updated) in database


Media (MemeFlow) table table (EXTNAME = 'Media')
Table of permissible media for Mpaths Media consists of elements:
medid (DataBase) char(3) A3 %s
Medium ID, unique medium identifier for media such as filesystem file, raw disk IO, TCP, etc.  
medium (DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
Medium description  
uid (DataBase) smallint I5 %d
(Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.  
stamp (DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
date on which record was entered (or updated) in database


Mpaths (MemeFlow) table table (EXTNAME = 'Mpaths')
Table of meme flow path segments: each segment represents the transit of a meme from one agent to another agent. Mpaths consists of elements:
mpid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique ID of a Flow path segment  
ptype (DataBase) char(1) A1 %s
This one character code is a hack to force the Mpaths table to model both meme flow and development dependencies.  
mid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique ID of a meme. Many of the memes are FITS keywords, but others are FITS tables, meme bundles, etc.  
sendr (DataBase) int I4
ID of an agent which is the Sender in a Meme Path record. Is an instance of agentid:
agentid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique Agent ID number  
rcvr (DataBase) int I4
ID of an agent which is the Receiver in a Meme Path record. Is an instance of agentid:
agentid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique Agent ID number  
ctrlr (DataBase) int I4
ID of an agent which controls the Timing of a data transfer modelled in Meme Paths. Is an instance of agentid:
agentid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique Agent ID number  
medid (DataBase) char(3) A3 %s
Medium ID, unique medium identifier for media such as filesystem file, raw disk IO, TCP, etc.  
timid (DataBase) char(12) A2 %s
Unique Timing ID, identifies a timing such as On Demand, Cron Job, etc.  
formid (DataBase) char(3) A3 %s
Format ID string; uniquely identifies an information format, such as ascii plaintext, html, latex source, etc.  
elaps (DataBase) int I11 %d [ms]
The number of milliseconds required for a meme to traverse a path.  
pcontext (DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
The pcontext is a means of grouping meme flow paths into 'drawings', as for a particular subsystem or functional area.  
pcomment (DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
Commentary information about a meme flow path.  
uid (DataBase) smallint I5 %d
(Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.  
stamp (DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
date on which record was entered (or updated) in database  
owner (DataBase) int I6
The ID of a superagent which contains a bunch of paths or a bunch of other superagents Is an instance of agentid:
agentid (DataBase) int I11 %d
Unique Agent ID number


Pcontexts (MemeFlow) table table (EXTNAME = 'Pcontexts')
Paths have context, that is, they are grouped in drawings. If you use dot-sep context names like DEIMOS.DB.op.out you can make larger and smaller scale drawings of areas of the system. Pcontexts consists of elements:
pcontext (DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
The pcontext is a means of grouping meme flow paths into 'drawings', as for a particular subsystem or functional area.  
title (DataBase) char(40) A40 %s
The user-defined title of a flow drawing (pcontext). Though the pcontext string is often meaningful, an English language title is also useful.  
author (DataBase) varchar(40) A20 %s
Various MemesWorld items can have authors. Software agents have authors. Meme contexts also (who invented the context?). Path contexts (drawings) also have authors. Although the product is different, the author field always indicates authorship.  
descrip (DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
Descrip is a generic text field in which one can add brief descriptive information to an database entity (record). The description is relevant to the table in which the field appears.


Timing (MemeFlow) table table (EXTNAME = 'Timing')
Table of permissible timings for Mpaths. Timing consists of elements:
timid (DataBase) char(12) A2 %s
Unique Timing ID, identifies a timing such as On Demand, Cron Job, etc.  
timing (DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
Text description of Timing  
uid (DataBase) smallint I5 %d
(Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.  
stamp (DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
date on which record was entered (or updated) in database

2.3.3 Map Definitions

ForeignKey (MapTypes) map map
A map meme which indicates that its meme can be used as a foreign key into another table. The foreign occurrence of the meme is indicated by the isa_mid.

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1997-06-14T06:59:55 UTC