Next: 2.6 Database Schema for
Up: 2 DEIMOS Database Schema
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- MemeName
(Context) RW Sybase_Type F77_fmt C_fmt [Units]
- The attributes displayed here if available are: the Meme name, context, access (read/write/both), datatype, FORTRAN format, C format, and the value's units and legitimate range (if any). A table may also have a FITS EXTNAME. This text is the Semantics.
- Amplifier
(DEIMOS.ccd) table table (EXTNAME = 'Amplifier')
- A table describing amplifiers on CCDs.
Amplifier consists of elements:
- ampid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique ID of a record in Amplifiers. Generated.
- ccdid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique id of a record in CCD table. Generated.
- gain
(DataBase) float E20.12 %f
- A Gain setting for a CCD amplifier.
- noise
(DataBase) float E20.12 %f
- A noise measurement for a CCD amplifier.
- isFunctional
(DataBase) char(1) L1 %s
- A boolean flag indicating whether or not some hardware component is in working condition.
- posX1
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- An X position in CCD pixels.
- posY1
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- A Y position in CCD pixels.
(DEIMOS.ccd) table table (EXTNAME = 'CCD')
- A table describing CCD detectors
CCD consists of elements:
- ccdid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique id of a record in CCD table. Generated.
- name
(DataBase) varchar(30) A30 %s
- Name of a CCD (nomenclature to be cleaned up in July 97) The 'name' meme is almost a universal concept, but the char length needed to express it varies. This should perhaps be modelled with an ISA relationship (format conversion).
- VendorId
(DEIMOS.rdb) int I11
- Unique ID of Vendor who supplied the item.
Is an instance of pid:
- pid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique ID of a Person or Vendor
- comments
(DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
- Generic comments field, like generic descrip field. These might really be the same thing.
- nid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique ID of a PostIt Note.
- uid
(DataBase) smallint I5 %d
- (Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.
- stamp
(DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
- date on which record was entered (or updated) in database
- ccdTest
(DEIMOS.ccd) table table (EXTNAME = 'ccdTest')
- A table describing the setup and results of a detector test.
ccdTest consists of elements:
- testid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Primary key field of Test table. Generated.
- ccdid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique id of a record in CCD table. Generated.
- setupid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- The primary key field of the Setup table. Generated.
- tdesc
(DataBase) varchar(100) A100 %s
- Description of a CCD test. This is obviously a very terse description, and a URI should point to more detailed material if needed.
- tresult
(DataBase) varchar(100) A100 %s
- The result of a CCD test.
- nid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique ID of a PostIt Note.
- uid
(DataBase) smallint I5 %d
- (Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.
- stamp
(DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
- date on which record was entered (or updated) in database
- Defect
(DataBase) table table (EXTNAME = 'Defect')
- Table describing specific defects found on specific CCDs.
Defect consists of elements:
- defectid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Primary key field of Defects table. Generated.
- ampid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique ID of a record in Amplifiers. Generated.
- ccdid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique id of a record in CCD table. Generated.
- defectTypeid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Primary key field of defectType table. Generated.
- pixX1Loc
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- pixY1Loc
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- pixX2Loc
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- pixY2Loc
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- DefectType
(DEIMOS.ccd) table table (EXTNAME = 'DefectType')
- Table of standard defect types found on CCDs
DefectType consists of elements:
- defectTypeid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Primary key field of defectType table. Generated.
- defectType
(DataBase) varchar(40) A40 %s
- Name of a specific type of CCD defect, as in 'Dead Pixel'.
- Dewar
(DEIMOS.ccd) table table (EXTNAME = 'Dewar')
- Table describing a Dewar for use with CCDs.
Dewar consists of elements:
- dewarid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Primary key field of Dewar table. Generated.
- dname
(DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
- Name of dewar. Like every other component of an observing system, dewars acquire nicknames like 'Blue Dewar 2'.
- nitrocap
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
( smalldatetime A19 %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d
- Date of manufacture of a filter
- RcvDate
( smalldatetime A19 %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d
- Date filter was received and stocked at observatory
- uid
(DataBase) smallint I5 %d
- (Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.
- stamp
(DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
- date on which record was entered (or updated) in database
- Setup
(DEIMOS.ccd) table table (EXTNAME = 'Setup')
- Table describing a setup for a CCD test.
Setup consists of elements:
- setupid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- The primary key field of the Setup table. Generated.
- ccdid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique id of a record in CCD table. Generated.
- dewarid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Primary key field of Dewar table. Generated.
- controllerid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Primary key field for Controller table. Generated.
- waveid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- The primary key field for the Waveform table.
- temperature
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- The temperature used in a Setup for a CCD test.
- comments
(DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
- Generic comments field, like generic descrip field. These might really be the same thing.
- stamp
(DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
- date on which record was entered (or updated) in database
- Waveform
(DEIMOS.ccd) table table (EXTNAME = 'Waveform')
- Table for describing waveforms used in Setups for testing CCDs.
Waveform consists of elements:
- waveid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- The primary key field for the Waveform table.
- filename
(DataBase) varchar(100) A100 %s
- Name of file in which a waveform description is found. This should really be a URI and possibly a CVS URI.
- comments
(DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
- Generic comments field, like generic descrip field. These might really be the same thing.
- ForeignKey
(MapTypes) map map
- A map meme which indicates that its meme can be used as a foreign key into another table. The foreign occurrence of the meme is indicated by the isa_mid.
- ISOdateFmt
(MapTypes) map A19
- This is a format for an ISO date/time string to the precision of seconds.
Next: 2.6 Database Schema for
Up: 2 DEIMOS Database Schema
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DEIMOS Software Team <>
1997-06-14T06:59:55 UTC