Next: 2.9 Database Schema for
Up: 2 DEIMOS Database Schema
Previous: 2.7 Database Schema for
- MemeName
(Context) RW Sybase_Type F77_fmt C_fmt [Units]
- The attributes displayed here if available are: the Meme name, context, access (read/write/both), datatype, FORTRAN format, C format, and the value's units and legitimate range (if any). A table may also have a FITS EXTNAME. This text is the Semantics.
- Alarms
(Operation) table table (EXTNAME = 'Alarms')
- Table intended for the configuration of the watcher process.
Alarms consists of elements:
- alid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique Id number of an Alarm record. Generated.
- severity
(DataBase) char(1) A1 %s
- A VMS-like severity level code (I, W, E, F) which determines the means of delivery, measures taken to get the user's attention, etc. when a watcher process delivers a message.
- condition
(DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
- Boolean condition expression to be evaluated by watcher processes for the delivery of alarms, warnings, etc.
- message
(DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
- Message text to be delivered by a watcher process if the associated condition is true.
- uri
(DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
- If the keyword cannot be documented adequately via semantics and comments, a URI can be attached referring the reader to other online documentation, source code, etc.
- handler
(DataBase) varchar(255) A255 %s
- Tcl code to be executed by a watcher process if the associated condition is true.
- uid
(DataBase) smallint I5 %d
- (Sybase) ID code of database Key Entry person. This tells us who entered the record in the table. The stamp field tells us when.
- stamp
(DataBase) smalldatetime A20 %s
- date on which record was entered (or updated) in database
- ParaLog
(Operation) table table (EXTNAME = 'ParaLog')
- Incomplete cardboard version of a parametric log table. A logger process would write one record to this table every N seconds perpetually. Each field is a KTL readable keyword. This mockup is made of a few keywords that looked interesting.
ParaLog consists of elements:
- LogStamp
(Operation) datetime A24 %s
- This is a date/time stamp from a logger process. It has to be good to a second at worst.
(KECK1CCD) r real F12.8 %.8f [percent full] (0.0 to 100.0)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1CCD) rw real F12.8 %.8f [V] (0.0 to 10.0)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1CCD) r real F12.8 %.8f [percent full] (0.0 to 100.0)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1CCD) r real F13.8 %.8f [degC] (-220.0 to 25.0)
- Detector temperature.
(KECK1CCD) r real E13.6 %E [ADC value / 10] (0.0 to 409.5)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1CCD) r real E13.6 %E [ADC value / 10] (0.0 to 409.5)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1CCD) r real E13.6 %E [ADC value / 10] (0.0 to 409.5)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1CCD) r real E13.6 %E [ADC value / 10] (0.0 to 409.5)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1CCD) r real F12.8 %.8f [degC] (-250.0 to 50.0)
- Semantics Unknown
(KECK1DCS) rw float F12.8 %.8f (1.0 to 100.0)
- air mass (secant of elevation)
- AZ
(KECK1DCS) r float F13.8 %.8f [deg] (-180.0 to 360.0)
- Telescope azimuth
(KECK1DCS) r char(11) A11 %3d:%02d:%04.1f [degree (sexagesimal)]
- Current declination measured in the coordinate frame specified by FRAME (FK4, FK5 or apparent) and at the epoch of mean equinox and equator specified by EQUINOX.
Uses map SexDMS90_1 to convert or format DEC:
(KECK1DCS.bin) r float F12.8 %.8f [rad]
- Current declination measured in the coordinate frame specified by FRAME (FK4, FK5 or apparent) and at the epoch of mean equinox and equator specified by EQUINOX.
- EL
(KECK1DCS) rw float F11.8 [deg] (0.0 to 90.0)
- Telescope elevation angle
Uses map UnitConv to convert or format EL:
- EL
(KECK1DCS.bin) rw float F11.8 %.8f [rad] (0.0 to 1.5800000000000001)
- Telescope elevation angle
(KECK1DCS) rw float F13.8 [deg] (-180.0 to 360.0)
- The angle between vertical and north as measured on the sky where the telescope is pointing. The use of 'PARANG' for this quantity is a misnomer. This should really be VERTANG.
Uses map UnitConv to convert or format PARANG:
(KECK1DCS.bin) rw float F13.8 %.8f [rad] (-4.0 to 7.0)
- The angle between vertical and north as measured on the sky where the telescope is pointing. The use of 'PARANG' for this quantity is a misnomer. This should really be VERTANG.
(KECK1DCS) rw float F13.8 %.8f [degC] (-100.0 to 50.0)
- Current tube temperature (a weighted mean of various temperatures around the telescope structure).
(DEIMOS2) rw int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Instrument (barrel) electronics enclosure temperature in raw A/D converter counts.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Coolant (glycol) temperature in raw A/D converter counts for the instrument (barrel) electronics.
(DEIMOS2) rw int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Carriage electronics enclosure temperature in raw A/D converter counts.
(DEIMOS2) rw varchar(68) A (0.0 to 1.0)
- Dewar focus light source control.
Is an instance of off_on:
- off_on
(map.helpers) rw char(1) L1 %s (0.0 to 1.0)
- Generic map meme for boolean state (OFF/ON) keywords.
Valid values of off_on are:
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- External (dome) temperature in raw A/D converter counts for the carriage electronics cooling system.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- High voltage (+-15 volts) logic power supply voltage for the carriage in raw A/D converter counts.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- High voltage (+-15 volts) logic power supply voltage for the instrument in raw A/D converter counts.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Low voltage (+5 volts) logic power supply voltage for the carriage in raw A/D converter counts.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Low voltage (+5 volts) logic power supply voltage for the instrument in raw A/D converter counts.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Carriage motor power supply (motor power supply #0) voltage in ADC counts.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Instrument motor power supply #1 voltage in ADC counts.
(DEIMOS2) r int I11 %d [12 bit adc value] (0.0 to 4095.0)
- Instrument motor power supply #2 voltage in ADC counts.
(DEIMOS2) rw int I11 %d [encoder counts] (0.0 to 10000.0)
- Instrument rotator raw position.
- Identity
(MapTypes) map map
- A map meme which indicates that its meme has all the characteristics (min, max, legal values, ...) of another meme. In actuality this is probably an abuse of our current understanding of memes schema.
- SexDMS90_1
(MapTypes) map A11 [degree (sexagesimal)]
- A sexagesimal degree string representing a declination precise to deciarcseconds - '=DD:MM:SS.s'.
- UnitConv
(MapTypes) map map
- A map meme which indicates that the obvious unit conversion should be performed.
Next: 2.9 Database Schema for
Up: 2 DEIMOS Database Schema
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DEIMOS Software Team <>
1997-06-14T06:59:55 UTC