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- MemeName
(Context) RW Sybase_Type F77_fmt C_fmt [Units]
- The attributes displayed here if available are: the Meme name, context, access (read/write/both), datatype, FORTRAN format, C format, and the value's units and legitimate range (if any). A table may also have a FITS EXTNAME. This text is the Semantics.
- Coeff1
(DataBase) table table (EXTNAME = 'Coeff1')
- Table of coefficients for pipeline reduction. This table can be used for interpolation. The Coeff2 table can be used for solution.
Coeff1 consists of elements:
- cf1id
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique Record ID of table Coeff1.
- gratid
( int I11 %d
- Unique Id of a grating
- gratilt
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Grating Tilt, which must be remembered when interpreting standard spectra.
- coeffname
(DataBase) char(2) A2 %s
- Coefficient name. Refer to S. Faber's notes. This would be one of p, q, r, s, t..
- maskX
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- X position on slitmask (seems like this s/b an ISA).
- maskY
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Y position on slitmask (seems like this s/b an ISA).
- value
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Value of the coefficient coeffname.
- deltaDay
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Correction applied to 'value' after Phase II Day calibration.
- deltaNight
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Correction applied to 'value' after Phase II Night calibration.
- deltaFinal
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Correction applied to 'value' after final calibration.
- Coeff2
(DataBase) table table (EXTNAME = 'Coeff2')
- Final (general) coefficient table - you solve for coeff1 by knowing values for a, b, c, tilt, etc. You have to read S. Faber's description of this process to understand what this table is doing.
Coeff2 consists of elements:
- cf2id
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique Record ID for Coeff2 table.
- gratid
( int I11 %d
- Unique Id of a grating
- coeffname
(DataBase) char(2) A2 %s
- Coefficient name. Refer to S. Faber's notes. This would be one of p, q, r, s, t..
- term
(DataBase) char(2) A2 %s
- One of tilt, X, Y. See S. Faber's notes on pipeline reduction, or this will make no sense at all.
- coef2name
(DataBase) char(2) A2 %s
- One of a, b, c, d, e.
- value
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Value of the coefficient coeffname.
- deltaDay
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Correction applied to 'value' after Phase II Day calibration.
- deltaNight
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Correction applied to 'value' after Phase II Night calibration.
- deltaFinal
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Correction applied to 'value' after final calibration.
- Lambdas
(DataBase) table table (EXTNAME = 'Lambdas')
- Table of standard lambdas for pipeline reduction and calibration.
Lambdas consists of elements:
- source
(DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
- Source of a standard calibration lambda. Could be the name of a lamp, or NightSky, or....
- lambda
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Lambda (wavelength) of known feature in known source.
- flux
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Flux of known lambda.
- accuracy
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E [lambda]
- An errorbar for standard lambdas.
- correction
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- If an empirical correction of the standard (catalog) lambda is required, here is a place for it.
- Spectra
(DataBase) table table (EXTNAME = 'Spectra')
- Table of standard spectra for use in calibration and pipeline reduction.
Spectra consists of elements:
- spectrid
(DataBase) int I11 %d
- Unique record ID of Spectra table.
(DataBase) varchar(100) A100 %s
- URL of Spectrum (FITS file).
- gratid
( int I11 %d
- Unique Id of a grating
- gratilt
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- Grating Tilt, which must be remembered when interpreting standard spectra.
- source
(DataBase) char(20) A20 %s
- Source of a standard calibration lambda. Could be the name of a lamp, or NightSky, or....
(KECK1CCD) r int I11 %d [s] (0.0 to 10000.0)
- Semantics Unknown
- slitwidth
(DataBase) float E20.12 %E
- width of slit used to take standard spectrum.
- MaskId
(DEIMOS.mask) int I11 %d
- Unique ID of a slitmask. Corresponds directly to the barcode label on the mask.
- bSlitPK
(DEIMOS.mask) int I6 %d
- The primary key into the table of slitlets in a mask blueprint. This will be converted into a bSlitId upon data ingest.
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DEIMOS Software Team <>
1997-06-14T06:59:55 UTC