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6 Image Display

6.1 Overview

In Part I Section 4.1 we described the two-phase plan for the DEIMOS image display. We focus here on the second phase.

There are long-term advantages to the choice of the NOAO RTD/PIE server.

The plug-in architecture means that each piece of functionality can be developed separately from the others.

Because the NOAO RTD server is at such an early stage of development it is difficult to be specific about the display modules and their mechanisms. We describe the first plug in that will be required for DEIMOS.

6.2 Figures


6.3 Nomenclature

The image client program at Keck which can incrementally display LRIS and HIRES images in real time as the CCD computer transmits them.

Real Time Display. The image display client program under development at NOAO for use with the NOAO Mosaic detector.

Plug-in Image Extension server. The next generation of astronomical image display being jointly developed by SAO/CfA and NOAO.

Message Bus:
The underlying communications mechanism of the NOAO RTD and the PIE.

Distributed Shared Image:
A form of data storage managed over the message bus which permits multiple processes on multiple hosts to interact with an image.

6.4 Component Modules

6.4.1 Data Capture Agent

6.5 Subsystem Procedures


6.6 Deliverable Documents

A section of the lickserv manual describing the connection to the NOAO message bus.

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